When: 4/21/2007 - 4/21/2007
Where: Durham , North Carolina , U.S.A.
when: april 21, 2007
durham marriott civic center
201 foster st.
durham, north carolina, u.s.
event date: 21-apr-07
event time: 7:30 am till 4:00 pm (point kickboxing and bjj tournament)
5:00 pm to until ikf full contact kickboxing main event
durham marriott civic center
201 foster st.
durham, north carolina, u.s.
phone: 919-632-7242
event email: vanguardpro@nc.rr.com
event website: http://www.vanguardpro.net
event contact: will smith, event director vanguard promotions
saturday april 21st, will start the semi-contact point kickboxing and bjj tournament competition in the morning. ikf point kickboxing is derived from "full contact" kickboxing and point karate tournament style competition. participants compete on matts, wearing headgear, 12 to 16 oz gloves, foot pads, mouthpiece, groin and breast protectors, etc. the action is continuous for 60 seconds, 90 seconds, or 2 minute rounds depending on age group. go to www.vanguardpro.net to register for the pkb tournament .
the north carolina brazilian jiu jitsu federation will be hold a bjj and submission grappling tournament also. there will be championship trophies for first place teams and fighters. go to www.bjjequipment.com to register for the bjj tournament .
pkb pre-registration $35 or $45 at the door.
bjj pre-registration go to www.bjjequipment.com