Women learning martial arts.
By Jonasmy name is jonas, writing you from denmark
i’m not really a tuffgrrl, but being a martial artist, practitioner of jujitsu, i thought it would be ok to write an article here.
besides the martial arts, i am a public school teacher and work as a part time bouncer. during the job as a bouncer, i have been witness to the brutality of humans, especially between men. basically i think that men that let their behaviour be dictated by their testosterone deserve whatever beating they may inflict on themselves. unfortunately it is not always men let their aggressions out on other men. more than once, i have been helping a woman that was raped in a back alley or at a toilet. my honest opinion is that all women should learn some form of martial art. the best defence in a rape situation is to attack back. i wish that all perpetrators end up tasting some of their own medicine. as i tell all my female students; “if you are ever attacked, never mind the legal consequences. the dojo will pay your lawyer!”