Sparring Techniques
By Jo-Anne Redublo Hello all, here are a couple of my favorite sparring techniques (point
sparring and kickboxing). Enjoy!
The Rolling Back Knuckle
This is one I learned and used a lot in my Kenpo days. I use this one
in point sparring since it is difficult to do this with big gloves on.
- Shuffle in on your opponent with a straight punch (same hand as the
foot you have forward)
- If your opponent blocks you on the outside of your elbow, allow your
elbow to fold in slightly and circle around to do a back-knuckle to the
side of your opponent's head
- If your opponent blocks you on the inside of your elbow, bring your
other hand in a slightly circular motion to move your opponent's blocking
hand out of the way (to the side and downwards) as your punching hand
circles around to back knuckle
Two Kick Combo
I use this one when kickboxing and doing point sparring:
- Off your back leg, throw a high roundhouse kick. If you opponent moves
backwards, carry the kick through and let your foot touch the floor at
about 8 o'clock
- Let this foot "bounce" off the floor and propell yourself
forward with a mid-level side kick